Saturday, July 27, 2024 2:42am  
Survey - How We are Doing?
BC Group is interested in your Feedback and Comments.
Please complete the survey below.
1.When I call BC Group, I usually reach a live person.Yes No
2.If I do get voice mail, my call is returned within 24 hours.
(Tax season excluded)
Yes No
3.My questions are never made to seem trite.Yes No
4.I receive the appropriate answer to my question.Yes No
5.I am always treated with respect and courtesy.Yes No
6.I feel like my business and I are valued clients.Yes No
7.Because I feel like my accounting and/or tax needs are met, I refer my friends and clients to BC Group.Yes No
8.I know my time is respected because meetings with BC Group begin on time.Yes No
9.I am confident that the information I receive is correct and accurate.Yes No
10.BC Group follows up with me on information I have requested.Yes No
11.BC Group goes the extra mile to meet my needs.Yes No
12.BC Group is responsive to my needs.Yes No
13.I trust BC Group to be proactive about my financials.Yes No
14.Through tax planning with BC Group, I am able to plan my retirement and exit strategies.Yes No
15.I find the BC Group website to be informational and helpful.Yes No
16.I utilize BC Group to assist me with all of my business insurance needs.Yes No
17.The payroll service at BC Group is an important part of my business service agenda.Yes No

What BC Group can do to better assist me in the future:
